Well, this little girl is officially a grown up with all of the privileges and responsibilities of being a grown up. I officially: own my own house, own my own car, pay my own bills, own my own puppy (and successfully keep it happy and alive), and I have a "big girl" job. I will be teaching 8th grade English starting in the fall and could not be more excited about it. Besides, that "big girl" job, I give private writing lessons and am the landlord of my house. :)
In addition to all of this, I am a graduate student. I just finalized my master's committee and am all set to begin working on a research project this summer. In the fall, I will be helping a professor complete a manuscript for publication and I will write an article and create a presentation. Hopefully, in the near future, I will have the opportunity to speak at conferences and publish some of my own articles. I will also be working on a few research projects of my own, hopefully for publication.
Life is good and I am getting to watch all of my dreams come true before my very eyes. I get to spend all day, every day, engaging in what I love while knowing I am doing good in the world. I am truly living on cloud 9 and cannot see how things could get any better. However, I know that God is full of surprises and may very well prove me wrong again.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Workouts, workouts, workouts
My fitness fever is continuing and causing me to workout more than usual...but I really like it. I'm now beginning to see results, so that makes me even more happy. Here were my workouts from the past week. This is pretty representative of what I do on a weekly basis.
Monday: 45 minute pilates workout (core, legs, arms) plus 250 calorie workout on the Elliptical
Tuesday: workout with Brad; cardio: burn 180 calories on Elliptical, then a 5 minute progression set on the spinner; weights: 60 reps on tricep dips, 60 reps on bench (moderate weight), 60 repts on leg press (moderate weight), 4-minutes of lunges holding 15 pound dumb bells in each hand; core: 1 minute of crunches, 1 minute of butterfly sit ups, 1 minute plank, 1 minute boat plank, 1 minute rest, 1 minute crunches, 1 minute scissor kicks, 1 minute butterfly sit-ups, 1 minute boat plank
Wednesday: 45 minute pilates workout (core, legs, arms) plus 50 calorie workout on the Elliptical
Thursday: workout with Brad; 4-minute weight rotations (butterfly sit-ups, military press, fly raises, BOSU crunches, calf raises on leg press, hammer curls, burpees, quad raises, clean, then more military press); then I played a softball game!
Friday: 2 miles on the treadmill, 2 miles on the spinner, 250 calories on the Elliptical
Saturday: REST!
Sunday: I'm planning to run, spin and do some core strength exercises
I'm doing great and loving every minute of it!
Monday: 45 minute pilates workout (core, legs, arms) plus 250 calorie workout on the Elliptical
Tuesday: workout with Brad; cardio: burn 180 calories on Elliptical, then a 5 minute progression set on the spinner; weights: 60 reps on tricep dips, 60 reps on bench (moderate weight), 60 repts on leg press (moderate weight), 4-minutes of lunges holding 15 pound dumb bells in each hand; core: 1 minute of crunches, 1 minute of butterfly sit ups, 1 minute plank, 1 minute boat plank, 1 minute rest, 1 minute crunches, 1 minute scissor kicks, 1 minute butterfly sit-ups, 1 minute boat plank
Wednesday: 45 minute pilates workout (core, legs, arms) plus 50 calorie workout on the Elliptical
Thursday: workout with Brad; 4-minute weight rotations (butterfly sit-ups, military press, fly raises, BOSU crunches, calf raises on leg press, hammer curls, burpees, quad raises, clean, then more military press); then I played a softball game!
Friday: 2 miles on the treadmill, 2 miles on the spinner, 250 calories on the Elliptical
Saturday: REST!
Sunday: I'm planning to run, spin and do some core strength exercises
I'm doing great and loving every minute of it!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tough Workouts Mirror Life
Life is tough. Life is complicated. Life is a mess. However, we are created to sustain the hardships of life and fight when things don't go our way. Moreover, God never gives us more than we can handle. He gives us the people and skills we need to overcome any obstacle that comes our way. In this way, life mirrors tough workouts perfectly. What do I mean?
Lately, my brain has been going crazy thinking about tough issues in my life. It has been a while since something has caused this much stress on my brain. I am trying to be strong, but I am only human. I can always turn to my workouts to help me fight through any frustrations I am having. Workouts are like the tough battles in life. We have to fight through them just like we have to fight through a tough workout.
Today, I experiened a very tough workout. Not only that, but I'm going back again this afternoon and tomorrow morning. That's three workouts (all tough) in 24 hours. I know, I'm insane. However, with the turmoil that is happening in my brain, it is necessary that I take advantage of all of the releases I can. I digress...back to the tough workout. I made myself a low-ball goal because I was unfamiliar with the workout. I didn't know what I was actually capable of doing. In the end, I changed my goal. My trainer suggested a goal, but even I did not think I could do that. Instead, I decided to create another goal that was lower than the trainer's goal for me but higher than my initial goal. I just kept fighting throughout the workout thinking only of that workout. I achieved the goal my trainer had set for me, the highest goal of the three. I was pleased with myself.
During the workout, I thought, this is horrible. At times, I even thought, there is no way I can continue. This is exactly what is happening to me right now. I am moving at the speed-of-life and am happier than I have ever been in my life. This new situation that has appeared has slowed me down quite a bit and is consuming much of my extra brain capacity. I am turning to the things in life that I can rely on to help me through this. Here is what I can rely on and what I need right now: my family, my friends, Jack, my workouts, my running, my academics and reading for fun. With these key elements of my life, that I absolutely love, I can overcome this challenge.
I'm letting go and letting God control this one. He never fails and never brings me to a challenge I cannot overcome.
Lately, my brain has been going crazy thinking about tough issues in my life. It has been a while since something has caused this much stress on my brain. I am trying to be strong, but I am only human. I can always turn to my workouts to help me fight through any frustrations I am having. Workouts are like the tough battles in life. We have to fight through them just like we have to fight through a tough workout.
Today, I experiened a very tough workout. Not only that, but I'm going back again this afternoon and tomorrow morning. That's three workouts (all tough) in 24 hours. I know, I'm insane. However, with the turmoil that is happening in my brain, it is necessary that I take advantage of all of the releases I can. I digress...back to the tough workout. I made myself a low-ball goal because I was unfamiliar with the workout. I didn't know what I was actually capable of doing. In the end, I changed my goal. My trainer suggested a goal, but even I did not think I could do that. Instead, I decided to create another goal that was lower than the trainer's goal for me but higher than my initial goal. I just kept fighting throughout the workout thinking only of that workout. I achieved the goal my trainer had set for me, the highest goal of the three. I was pleased with myself.
During the workout, I thought, this is horrible. At times, I even thought, there is no way I can continue. This is exactly what is happening to me right now. I am moving at the speed-of-life and am happier than I have ever been in my life. This new situation that has appeared has slowed me down quite a bit and is consuming much of my extra brain capacity. I am turning to the things in life that I can rely on to help me through this. Here is what I can rely on and what I need right now: my family, my friends, Jack, my workouts, my running, my academics and reading for fun. With these key elements of my life, that I absolutely love, I can overcome this challenge.
I'm letting go and letting God control this one. He never fails and never brings me to a challenge I cannot overcome.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Putting it into Perspective
Lately, I have been troubled by a personal matter. It is something that has been challenging me for a while and something that is hard for me to deal with. My mind has become weak in the past week and has been struggling even more with toxic thoughts that keep me from being who I want to be. In the past few years, and especially this year, I have grown and become more of the woman I want to be in the future. However, I have been struggling with something that could put everything I have worked for in jeopardy. It's like a game, and if I give in, I lose. If I forfeit and am tough, I win. While giving in will give me instant gratification, it will have long standing consequences that I will have to deal with eventually.
Today, I was shocked a little and things were put into perspective for me. Due to one of my graduate courses, I made a visit to the Holocaust Museum in Houston today. As part of a group project, I had to go to the museum and I have to create a powerpoint and paper about my experience there. I had never been to this museum before, and while I know quite a bit about the Holocaust, I had rarely seen pictures depicting this human tragedy. As I walked through the museum looking at the pictures and reading the real-life accounts of the atrocities, I thought to myself, "why am I being so selfish?" I began to think about the amazing life I have. "What do I have to be upset about?" "So what if life isn't going exactly my way?" As these thoughts flooded my head, I began to thank God for everything I have. I don't have to worry about being harmed because of my race, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc. I feel safe on a daily basis. Moreover, I began to pray to God to help show me how to be less selfish. Here I am, upset and worried about something very insignificant. Something that only affects me. Something that only benefits me.
God has placed so many advantages in my life and so many good things and people. My passions, that are God-given, have guided me to education. My job, here on Earth, is to help adolescents have a better life. I'm supposed to share my love of writing and literature and education so that they can have what they want. My life is not about me. God did not create me that way, yet my human tendencies are to focus on myself. God created me to help others and to glorify Him through my work. I have been letting Him down lately and it took a surprise project in a class I'm less than fond of to remind me of this. Every class I take, every paper I write, every book I read, every person I come into contact is God's doing. It is His doing so that I will become a better person so that I can serve His purpose for me.
Today, I am blessed and thankful that God has reminded me of what is really important in life. He has once again shown me where my focus needs to be. Not on me, but on Him and His purpose for me. I can only pray that He will continue to give me reminders like this one. Philipians 4:6-7
Today, I was shocked a little and things were put into perspective for me. Due to one of my graduate courses, I made a visit to the Holocaust Museum in Houston today. As part of a group project, I had to go to the museum and I have to create a powerpoint and paper about my experience there. I had never been to this museum before, and while I know quite a bit about the Holocaust, I had rarely seen pictures depicting this human tragedy. As I walked through the museum looking at the pictures and reading the real-life accounts of the atrocities, I thought to myself, "why am I being so selfish?" I began to think about the amazing life I have. "What do I have to be upset about?" "So what if life isn't going exactly my way?" As these thoughts flooded my head, I began to thank God for everything I have. I don't have to worry about being harmed because of my race, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc. I feel safe on a daily basis. Moreover, I began to pray to God to help show me how to be less selfish. Here I am, upset and worried about something very insignificant. Something that only affects me. Something that only benefits me.
God has placed so many advantages in my life and so many good things and people. My passions, that are God-given, have guided me to education. My job, here on Earth, is to help adolescents have a better life. I'm supposed to share my love of writing and literature and education so that they can have what they want. My life is not about me. God did not create me that way, yet my human tendencies are to focus on myself. God created me to help others and to glorify Him through my work. I have been letting Him down lately and it took a surprise project in a class I'm less than fond of to remind me of this. Every class I take, every paper I write, every book I read, every person I come into contact is God's doing. It is His doing so that I will become a better person so that I can serve His purpose for me.
Today, I am blessed and thankful that God has reminded me of what is really important in life. He has once again shown me where my focus needs to be. Not on me, but on Him and His purpose for me. I can only pray that He will continue to give me reminders like this one. Philipians 4:6-7
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Cloud 9
Woo hoo! I am doing so well accomplishing my fitness goals this summer. The summer has just begun and I can already cross one goal off of the never-ending list...I can successfully run a 5K. Yesterday, I ran the 3.1 miles without stopping in just under 30 minutes. The time is not fabulous, but I just wanted to know that I could do it, and I actually improved my pace time with each mile. The first mile I ran in just over 10 minutes, the final mile I finished right at 8:30 minutes. :)
I am so proud of myself for this accomplishment and cannot wait to add more miles. I had decided that I wanted to train and get in shape for myself. This is the one thing in my life that I am doing completely for me. It makes me feel good and keeps me happy, plus it serves as a release from the stress of teaching and grad school. Keep posted for more successes as the summer continues.
Jack is doing equally well in his puppy class! We have 3 more weeks culminating in his final exam and graduation. (How sweet is that!) Jack can successfully "watch me", "sit", "come when called", "lay down", and he can walk on his leash nicely and sit when I stop walking. We are working to perfect "stay" and he is greatly improving on "leave it" and "drop it". I am so proud of him. He has been working hard and is such a sweet little boy. I talked to the trainer yesterday and she thinks he will be more than ready to being an intermediate class in July, once he finishes his puppy training. So, yay Jack! (Intermediate training, here we come!)
I am so proud of myself for this accomplishment and cannot wait to add more miles. I had decided that I wanted to train and get in shape for myself. This is the one thing in my life that I am doing completely for me. It makes me feel good and keeps me happy, plus it serves as a release from the stress of teaching and grad school. Keep posted for more successes as the summer continues.
Jack is doing equally well in his puppy class! We have 3 more weeks culminating in his final exam and graduation. (How sweet is that!) Jack can successfully "watch me", "sit", "come when called", "lay down", and he can walk on his leash nicely and sit when I stop walking. We are working to perfect "stay" and he is greatly improving on "leave it" and "drop it". I am so proud of him. He has been working hard and is such a sweet little boy. I talked to the trainer yesterday and she thinks he will be more than ready to being an intermediate class in July, once he finishes his puppy training. So, yay Jack! (Intermediate training, here we come!)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Fitness Fever
The "fitness fever" has finally hit me...and I think I have Brad to thank for that. Brad is my trainer. About a month ago, I decided I had had enough and I wanted to "be hot by 23". I knew that I would need some guidance and motivation. I'm not that great at working out. I'm inconsistent and either work too hard or not hard enough. So, I looked up gyms, trainers and everything in the area. Based on price, credentials and fit for me, Brad was the clear winner. I workout with him twice a week in a small group setting (there are 3-5 other women in my group). We do 30 minutes of hard cardio and 30 minutes of hard weights. He is able to individualize the exercises for each person if needed and is great at motivating me to push myself harder. Well, I started seeing results from his workouts last week. No, I have not lost any weight (which was not a goal of mine) but I am physically smaller and have gained a bunch of nice, lean muscles. Plus, I feel better. Now, I am determined to workout multiple times a week. I will be taking some free classes from the Rec to supplement what I do with Brad and will run several times a week. I definitely have the "fitness fever" and am loving it!
Here is the weekly breakdown of workouts:
Monday: Pilates at the Rec
Tuesday: Workout with Brad
Wednesday: Pilates at the Rec
Thursday: Workout with Brad
Friday: Yoga at the Rec
Saturday: Off (maybe a run)
Sunday: Total Training at the Rec (this is a full body workout combining step, Bosu ball, jump rope, etc.)
Here is the weekly breakdown of workouts:
Monday: Pilates at the Rec
Tuesday: Workout with Brad
Wednesday: Pilates at the Rec
Thursday: Workout with Brad
Friday: Yoga at the Rec
Saturday: Off (maybe a run)
Sunday: Total Training at the Rec (this is a full body workout combining step, Bosu ball, jump rope, etc.)
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