STAAR Advice by Ms. Hodges
For many, many days we have worked hard,
And now your brains are no longer like lard.
They are full of knowledge, strategies and facts,
To help you on the STAAR test, but sorry, no MACs.
Genre, preview, visualize and read
Are some good strategies so take heed,
Of the advice I have given you all year
And approach the STAAR test with no fear!
You are capable and ready with a strong aptitude
Just make sure to eat a good breakfast and come with a positive attitude!
Dictionaries, pencils and of course, your brain, are good resources,
Use them to overcome the clock and you will have great forces!
You are as ready as ready can be
So take a deep breathe, relax and you’ll see.
The test isn’t scary at all,
Except for how empty is has made our hall.
Your teachers are proud of the work you have done
All year to become number one.
Two more days and then you’re free
To enjoy school with no more misery.
A few last notes before you go,
Be sure to take your time but don’t go too slow.
Look up words that are new,
I’m sure there will be a few.
Remember the genres and why we read each,
Eat a good breakfast and maybe a peach.
Remember you are intelligent
Now you just have to prove it!
Don’t talk or act up while the tests are out
Or you could cause trouble that would be paramount!
When you are finished, double check
And don’t have stray marks, not even a speck!
Relax, stay strong and know that we care
Because you are brilliant, of that I’m aware.
Try your best and don’t lose hope,
I know you will fly, not merely float!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Best Spring Break on record...*sigh*
Today is the final day of Spring Break and it feels like nothing special...back to reality, back to the daily grind and back to my normal Sunday to-do list: grocery shopping, cooking meals for the week, lesson plans for the week, grad school work (not necessarily in that order). I'm sad that Spring Break has to come to an end, especially one so wonderful, but I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the next few months of work before summer arrives.
This Spring Break, I went on a trip. It is the second Spring Break in my recorded history that this has happened. When I was younger, Spring Breaks were a time for yard work, big home projects, etc. and my parents didn't get time off so we never went anywhere. As a college kid, I had no money so I usually visited boyfriends, friends or family for the break but didn't go any where spectacular. My senior year in high school, a friend and I went to Cabo with her family. It was great fun except for the fact that we got sunburned on day one so badly that we spent the rest of the trip covered from head to toe and suffering from headaches (I've kind of been scarred from that experience and am hesitant to visit Mexico even now). So, this was my first real "Spring Break vacation" where I planned and took a trip...and to my beloved New York City, what better!
We've been to New York City twice before so we've done all the sight-seeing things like the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Top of the Rock observatory, museums, Ground Zero, Wall Street, Little Italy, etc. etc. This time, was our, Broadway shows and soaking up the stinky New York air. :) We did a lot of shopping and went to all our favorite stores: Macy's, Bloomingdales, Coach stores, Pandora stores, antique book stores (where first editions cost thousands of dollars...some day!), candy/cupcake shops, Tiffany' was wonderful! However, I will say two things stand out as the highlights of the trip: Rock of Ages and my excellent news!
We've now seen four Broadway musicals (and are all cultured and stuff). Wicked was the first and took my breath away. It was so funny and entertaining and definitely not what I thought Broadway would be like. Then we saw Phantom of the Opera. The technical difficulty and intricacies of that show are unparalleled...simply astounding. We saw Mamma Mia! this trip and I was so excited about it, but was actually disappointed. It wasn't as funny as I hoped and it didn't jive me like the others had. Still a great show, but comparably speaking, disappointing. Now, Rock of Ages...I have been listening to the soundtrack (downloaded from Itunes as we walked back to our hotel) nonstop and have dreamed about seeing it again for 4 nights straight. It was AMAZING! My kind of show in a nutshell: a love story, wrapped around the biggest hits of the 80s with a band that rocked out on their drums and guitars at a "just too loud" decibel. I was in Heaven. For those who don't know, I am a closet rocker. When I was 8, I started stealing my parents old records (yes, we had a record machine) and CDs of the "hair bands". I also bought and own the complete "Monster Ballads" collection...Whitesnake, Bon Jovi, Journey, Poison, REO Speedwagon, STYX, on and on. I also listen to my music way too loud (and constantly...I can't wait to have a sound system in my future home). I like heavy beats and dudes with long hair, tattoos and motorcycles excite me just a little. Throw into that a kickass love story, some risque and dirty jokes and truly sweet and enchanting characters and I'm hooked. We are already in the process of buying tickets to see the show when it comes through Austin in the fall and I cannot wait for the movie this summer! :)
Now, onto the next reason why my Spring Break was so wonderful (as if a trip to New York could be beat!) First, let me back track and share some of my "bucket list" as it will help put things into perspective.
Bucket List (as of 2012):
1. Earn a Ph.D.
2. Have children.
3. Become a published author.
4. Visit New York City at Christmas.
I could go on but those are the 4 you need to know to understand the magnitude of the news I'm about to reveal. When I was a little girl, I loved to read. I used to throw tantrums (seriously) and cry if I didn't get taken to the library. I had a library card before I could sign my own name because I was a "big girl" (at like 3 or 4) and wanted my own. I started collecting books that young as well and loved it. It's been a lifelong passion (guess it's no surprise that reading education is what my doctorate is in??). When I was old enough to write, I began keeping journals and writing my own little stories. Granted, they are terrible, but it was my start. Against all odds, I majored in English and have always found writing to be a release and wonderful past-time. It's no surprise then, that I have dreamed of being a published author. Now, I don't want to be any kind of author, I want to write something that will make an impact, upset people a little bit and change perceptions...I'm thinking Harper Lee (author of To Kill a Mockingbird).
Anyway, we are in New York City (my favorite city, although I've decided I don't want to live there, just visit as often as possible). We are sitting in this Irish pub called The Playwright (how appropriate) which we adore. I know I should be getting a rejection/acceptance email about a book chapter proposal I submitted. (This means I sent 4 pages of something I want to write to a book editor and he decides if it is consistent with the theme of the book. If he accepts, I get to write the chapter for approval to be published.) My phone dings and I reach for it. My poor mother is oblivious to what I am doing as I am an incessant email checker. I see who the email is from...the editor! EEK! My heart starts racing as I begin to read (I know it sounds silly but this is my dream so give me a little credit!). As I start to read, it doesn't sound good. No overwhelming "Congratulations", no balloons or streamers...just lots of writing. I can't figure out at first if it is an acceptance or not. Then I read those lines..."the topic of your proposed chapter is consistent with the theme of this book and could make a significant contribution to this project." I scream. Literally. Out right. In the middle of an Irish pub in Times Square in New York City. I feel like all eyes are on me and my poor Momma is just looking at me, questioningly. I can barely tell her the news but I get it out. I can't believe it. My childhood dream is coming to bloom...yes, it's only the beginning but what a great start!
The moment I found out!
Now, I have until July 1st to write the 20-30 pages. I'm excited and know it will be worth whatever I have to sacrifice between now and then to get it done.
Enjoying the greatest Spring Break ever, with one of my favorite people and watching my dreams literally come true...priceless.
-Tracey :)
This Spring Break, I went on a trip. It is the second Spring Break in my recorded history that this has happened. When I was younger, Spring Breaks were a time for yard work, big home projects, etc. and my parents didn't get time off so we never went anywhere. As a college kid, I had no money so I usually visited boyfriends, friends or family for the break but didn't go any where spectacular. My senior year in high school, a friend and I went to Cabo with her family. It was great fun except for the fact that we got sunburned on day one so badly that we spent the rest of the trip covered from head to toe and suffering from headaches (I've kind of been scarred from that experience and am hesitant to visit Mexico even now). So, this was my first real "Spring Break vacation" where I planned and took a trip...and to my beloved New York City, what better!
We've been to New York City twice before so we've done all the sight-seeing things like the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Top of the Rock observatory, museums, Ground Zero, Wall Street, Little Italy, etc. etc. This time, was our, Broadway shows and soaking up the stinky New York air. :) We did a lot of shopping and went to all our favorite stores: Macy's, Bloomingdales, Coach stores, Pandora stores, antique book stores (where first editions cost thousands of dollars...some day!), candy/cupcake shops, Tiffany' was wonderful! However, I will say two things stand out as the highlights of the trip: Rock of Ages and my excellent news!
We've now seen four Broadway musicals (and are all cultured and stuff). Wicked was the first and took my breath away. It was so funny and entertaining and definitely not what I thought Broadway would be like. Then we saw Phantom of the Opera. The technical difficulty and intricacies of that show are unparalleled...simply astounding. We saw Mamma Mia! this trip and I was so excited about it, but was actually disappointed. It wasn't as funny as I hoped and it didn't jive me like the others had. Still a great show, but comparably speaking, disappointing. Now, Rock of Ages...I have been listening to the soundtrack (downloaded from Itunes as we walked back to our hotel) nonstop and have dreamed about seeing it again for 4 nights straight. It was AMAZING! My kind of show in a nutshell: a love story, wrapped around the biggest hits of the 80s with a band that rocked out on their drums and guitars at a "just too loud" decibel. I was in Heaven. For those who don't know, I am a closet rocker. When I was 8, I started stealing my parents old records (yes, we had a record machine) and CDs of the "hair bands". I also bought and own the complete "Monster Ballads" collection...Whitesnake, Bon Jovi, Journey, Poison, REO Speedwagon, STYX, on and on. I also listen to my music way too loud (and constantly...I can't wait to have a sound system in my future home). I like heavy beats and dudes with long hair, tattoos and motorcycles excite me just a little. Throw into that a kickass love story, some risque and dirty jokes and truly sweet and enchanting characters and I'm hooked. We are already in the process of buying tickets to see the show when it comes through Austin in the fall and I cannot wait for the movie this summer! :)
Now, onto the next reason why my Spring Break was so wonderful (as if a trip to New York could be beat!) First, let me back track and share some of my "bucket list" as it will help put things into perspective.
Bucket List (as of 2012):
1. Earn a Ph.D.
2. Have children.
3. Become a published author.
4. Visit New York City at Christmas.
I could go on but those are the 4 you need to know to understand the magnitude of the news I'm about to reveal. When I was a little girl, I loved to read. I used to throw tantrums (seriously) and cry if I didn't get taken to the library. I had a library card before I could sign my own name because I was a "big girl" (at like 3 or 4) and wanted my own. I started collecting books that young as well and loved it. It's been a lifelong passion (guess it's no surprise that reading education is what my doctorate is in??). When I was old enough to write, I began keeping journals and writing my own little stories. Granted, they are terrible, but it was my start. Against all odds, I majored in English and have always found writing to be a release and wonderful past-time. It's no surprise then, that I have dreamed of being a published author. Now, I don't want to be any kind of author, I want to write something that will make an impact, upset people a little bit and change perceptions...I'm thinking Harper Lee (author of To Kill a Mockingbird).
Anyway, we are in New York City (my favorite city, although I've decided I don't want to live there, just visit as often as possible). We are sitting in this Irish pub called The Playwright (how appropriate) which we adore. I know I should be getting a rejection/acceptance email about a book chapter proposal I submitted. (This means I sent 4 pages of something I want to write to a book editor and he decides if it is consistent with the theme of the book. If he accepts, I get to write the chapter for approval to be published.) My phone dings and I reach for it. My poor mother is oblivious to what I am doing as I am an incessant email checker. I see who the email is from...the editor! EEK! My heart starts racing as I begin to read (I know it sounds silly but this is my dream so give me a little credit!). As I start to read, it doesn't sound good. No overwhelming "Congratulations", no balloons or streamers...just lots of writing. I can't figure out at first if it is an acceptance or not. Then I read those lines..."the topic of your proposed chapter is consistent with the theme of this book and could make a significant contribution to this project." I scream. Literally. Out right. In the middle of an Irish pub in Times Square in New York City. I feel like all eyes are on me and my poor Momma is just looking at me, questioningly. I can barely tell her the news but I get it out. I can't believe it. My childhood dream is coming to bloom...yes, it's only the beginning but what a great start!
The moment I found out!
Now, I have until July 1st to write the 20-30 pages. I'm excited and know it will be worth whatever I have to sacrifice between now and then to get it done.
Enjoying the greatest Spring Break ever, with one of my favorite people and watching my dreams literally come true...priceless.
-Tracey :)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Good for the Soul...
That's what friendship is...and vacations!
This weekend was amazing and just what I needed to feel refreshed, my soul cleansed and ready for one more week before Spring Break. I left work as soon as I possibly could on Friday and jetted to San Antonio (literally, if you know how I drive). When I got there, I met my best friend, her boyfriend and a group of her friends for dinner for her birthday. It was nice and relaxing and fun. On Saturday, we woke up early and drove to Fredericksburg to climb Enchanted Rock and look at the shops. Enchanted Rock was a good time, but a tough climb. However, the view from the top made it worth the sore calves and burning legs. We then went to Fredericksburg and toured the cute little shops for a few hours, got some burgers and ice cream and drove back to San Antonio. A well-earned nap was definitely on the agenda next and a few hours later, we enjoyed a game (and almost 2 hours) of wonderful tennis action. Tennis is my favorite sport and it felt so good to swing a racket again! This morning, my soul was cleansed further by a great worship service, a drive to the Rock, lunch with my family for my grandmother's 78th birthday. I am now back home and have finished two grad school papers. My soul feels so cleansed, work is easy. Better yet, I'm enjoying dinner later with my bestie who is visiting from Arizona.
Now, I'm dreading the next week at work but know it will go by quickly and then I will get to spend four days in New York City (my favorite) and nine days soaking up family and friends. I feel so good after this weekend, though, that I've decided mini-vacations of this such are required at least every two weeks from now on. My heart and soul need the refresher and need to be rejuvenated to make it through the tough weeks. Plus, it's fun and that's what your twenties are for! :)
This weekend was amazing and just what I needed to feel refreshed, my soul cleansed and ready for one more week before Spring Break. I left work as soon as I possibly could on Friday and jetted to San Antonio (literally, if you know how I drive). When I got there, I met my best friend, her boyfriend and a group of her friends for dinner for her birthday. It was nice and relaxing and fun. On Saturday, we woke up early and drove to Fredericksburg to climb Enchanted Rock and look at the shops. Enchanted Rock was a good time, but a tough climb. However, the view from the top made it worth the sore calves and burning legs. We then went to Fredericksburg and toured the cute little shops for a few hours, got some burgers and ice cream and drove back to San Antonio. A well-earned nap was definitely on the agenda next and a few hours later, we enjoyed a game (and almost 2 hours) of wonderful tennis action. Tennis is my favorite sport and it felt so good to swing a racket again! This morning, my soul was cleansed further by a great worship service, a drive to the Rock, lunch with my family for my grandmother's 78th birthday. I am now back home and have finished two grad school papers. My soul feels so cleansed, work is easy. Better yet, I'm enjoying dinner later with my bestie who is visiting from Arizona.
Now, I'm dreading the next week at work but know it will go by quickly and then I will get to spend four days in New York City (my favorite) and nine days soaking up family and friends. I feel so good after this weekend, though, that I've decided mini-vacations of this such are required at least every two weeks from now on. My heart and soul need the refresher and need to be rejuvenated to make it through the tough weeks. Plus, it's fun and that's what your twenties are for! :)
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