My poor little blog has been neglected for almost a month...clearly school has started again!
The first few weeks of school started off well-enough, and as usual, I hit the ground sprinting. It is the end of September and we are about to head into the first exam week, and I feel ready for Christmas break. I look behind me and so much has already happened. I look ahead, and I've only just begun.
So far, this is without a doubt my favorite semester in graduate school yet. Or school. Or life. Gosh, I'm so excited about things right now and life is definitely moving in positive directions. I'm all smiles (and stress) but feel really good about where I am. Here is a little sneak peek into the randomness that has been my life for the past 4 weeks (and the randomness my brain is currently operating in!).
1. Friends for BTHO Bama!
This past weekend I got to see most of my favorite people for the big game. :) I can't ask for more than that.
2. What are we teaching these kiddos??
I'm an educator and had a very startling moment last week. A group of students in my class presented on the order of the planets, then had the rest of the class engage in an activity. ME and one group of 3 students were the only ones in the class who KNEW THE ORDER OF THE PLANETS! Gah, I was in shock. What on Earth (like the pun?) are we teaching our kiddos these days. There is something further for me to research...
3. Take a risk
I've been taking a lot of personal risks so far this semester. It's more of my buck-the-system, who-cares, the-worst-they-can-say-is-no mentality. So far, these risks have paid off in dividends that I couldn't even imagine. Yay!
4. Don't falter - Optimism is supreme
This past week has really been challenging for me (even though it is only Wednesday). I have been faced with so much pessimism which really drags me down. Yesterday, I caught myself being a complete you-know-what in the pessimistic category. As I was reflecting on my day yesterday, I realized that I control my attitude and if I don't want to be pessimistic, I don't have to be. I believe optimism is supreme. As a kid, I used to get disappointed so easily in everything when my expectations weren't met. Over the years, I have always had to fight people telling me that I was too optimistic and how foolish that could be. But, I would rather have high expectations and fill a little let down (but most of the time be pleasantly surprised) than always think the worst. I'm kicking my newfound pessimistic attitude to the curb and embracing my positivity for life.
5. Prayer and meditation
For my birthday, one of my besties got me a 5-year journal. It is a little journal with predated pages. Each page has a question written at the top (some insightful, some silly) and space to write 5 yearly dates below with a few short lines. The idea is that each day for 5-years you answer a question. Then, you can track how your life and answers change over time. This is so much fun already, and I am looking forward to when I can compare answers across years.
This idea of a 5-year journal inspired me to start keeping a nightly journal. Each night, before I read, I write about my day, my issues, my concerns, etc. This helps clear my mind before sleep and let out any frustrations. I also find that I don't carry those frustrations into the next day, and I am able to forgive people more for their faults each day. I'm also able to let go of my own indiscretions each day.
After I journal, I've gotten back to reading a devotional each night. I know the typical way to read a devotional is in the morning, but my brain is already too muddled at that time. I read the devotional for the next day before I got to sleep (or read for fun) each night. Right now, I'm working my way through the updated version of Purpose Driven Life. I read this a long time ago (late high school) and have found myself drifting from my relationship with God over the past few months. A few sad things happened to me this summer, and more sad things have happened to people I care about. Rather than turning to Him, I've been running. This "meditation" at night has helped refocus my life.
These meditative practices have helped me become more relaxed. I have more going on now than ever before and feel pulled in many directions, but I have more clarity than usual. I have more peace. I feel safe and assured that things are ok. I know there is time to accomplish everything. I even find myself dropping everything I had planned to work on something for someone else and not resenting it or the person.
5. Bottom line, life is good!
I hope yours is too! :)