It's hard sometimes to recognize a good thing when it happens. At this time, things are going amazingly. No, my life is not perfect, but for the first time in a long time, I am thinking of myself and what is best for me. That's not to say I'm not thinking of others as well, because as always, I am. It just means that I have finally gotten closure and have a feeling of my new life beginning.
I am reminded of a scene from Harry Potter, though I can't remember which book it is from. Harry is in Professor Dumbledore's office when suddenly, Dumbledore's precoius pheonix bursts into flames. Harry is immediately distraught at this event, and is terrified to tell Dumbledore what has happened. Harry just knows he will be blamed for the bird's death. When Dumbledore reenters the room, Harry explains what happened, ready for the worst. However, Dumbledore is calm and says that the bird was old and ready to die. Then, as they are talking, a new pheonix emerges from the ashes. :) This event seems to be a metaphor for the past year of my life. I had some great things in my life that I counted on always having, then suddenly, through no fault of my own, they were taken from me. I questioned why and could not seem to come up with an appropriate answer. All I could see was the damage that had been caused and the ashes, but those things were old and Someone much wiser knew I was ready for a new life. Now that new life has emerged in full force, and I couldn't be more excited.
I am slowly but surely finding my place in this world and figuring out what I am supposed to do with my life. I know that I
am meant for something great and I am meant to help people. I have a passion for living, helping others, education and psychology. I plan to combine these passions and talents into my dream career.
Right now, I am applying to graduate schools and programs in hopes that the right one will accept me and help me pursue my dreams. While all of this is occurring, I find comfort, support and love from my amzaing family. They are behind me no matter what and only want the best for me.
You can definitely say I'm a lucky girl. :)
Thank you. You are indeed a lucky girl and always have been. Your family does support you and we have always wanted the best for you. Love Mom