Life is good; not great, as there are always some obstacles to work through, but definitely good. A few weeks ago I had the mos
t wonderful experience I could imagine. I got to experience one of my dream vacations: New York City. To say that it was amazing would be putting it lightly. I had a blast and was finally able to forget all my troubles and the obstacles I face at home. It was a true blessing. :)
We arrived in New York City on Sunday, but our room was not ready so we walked around the city. We walked up and down Madison Avenue where a giant market days event was occurring. Many vendors, lots of fun stuff to buy and lots of food. It was great. We also made our first, yes only first, trip to Saks Fifth Avenue (the closest thing to a shoe-lover's heaven on Earth!). We finally got into our room, on the 31st floor ,which over-looked Central Park! We went to eat and then took a carriage ride around Central Park. Not bad for the first day. On Monday, we woke up bright and early (5:30) and walke
d to Rockefellar Plaza to watch The Fray perform live. Oh yea, and we were on the Today Show as well. No big deal. We also took a tour of downtown Manhattan and travelled to the 86th floor of the Empire State Building which was quite amazing. Then we toured some more and went back to the hotel.
On Tuesday, we toured uptown Manhattan and Harlem then went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We aren't much of art enthusists, but we had fun. Later that day we went to Time Square and Macy's. On Wednesday we had a long, but fun day. We finally got to say the Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island and went to a Broadway show! We saw Wicked which was fabulous despite the disappoint of the book it originates from. As we were walking home from the show, we got to see Time Square at night! Thursday was our day with Dad, so we went to the American Museum of Natural History, which has an amazing dinosaur wing! We also walked through Central Park and just enjoyed our last night in New York City.
The trip was far too short, but completely amazing and just what I needed. Now, I am back in College Station having as much fun as possible. I just moved into a house with some friends and love it so much more than living in an apartment. I am also working on completing my requirements for my teacher certification program. I received my test scores fro
m my certification exam earlier in the week; I passed with flying colors.
I will be graduating in December (less than 5 months, oh my) and will student teach in the spring. In May, I will be a fully certified teacher and will begin my masters studies in the summer. I will complete my masters over the next few years while I teach high school English. I am so excited for this next year. I can't wait to make some fabulous new memories! :)
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