**Disclaimer: Summer here is being defined as June 1 - August 19 (because I have to start preparing for the fall semester after the 19th.)
1. Read at least 10 books for fun. My goal for this year is to read 55 books, and I am well on my way. Summertime is such a great time to read, preferably while laying out beside a pool. 10 books = 1 book per week with one week off for good behavior. Easily doable.
2. Sample 5 new recipes. As a single woman living alone on a pretty tight budget, I have really gotten into cooking. I can't afford to buy every meal pre-made, and I don't live with someone who can cook for me (sorry, the dog is not trained to do that). I did not grow up with the best cooking role models. Let's be real, my family members HATE to cook. I cook dinner for myself at least 5 nights a week, and, who knew, I like it! I take recipes I find on friends' blogs, from simple cookbooks, or what I Google then I change them up to fit my own tastes and preferences as I go. I have a pretty good little set of recipes I can quickly execute at a moment's notice, but I need more. Hence, sample 5 new recipes over the summer and see how it goes! :)
3. Go swimming at least once a week. I love love love swimming. It's
4. Make at least one trip to the beach. I live about 5 hours from the beach, so I don't get to go very often. My girlfriends and I went to the beach this past weekend, and I had forgotten how much I enjoy it. I want to go back. Now.
5. Plan and budget my big trips for the upcoming (2013-2014) school year. One of the coolest parts of graduate school is getting to travel to conferences in interesting places. While it is enjoyable and educational, graduate students don't get a budget for this (It's one of those, "if you don't do it, you don't get a job, but you don't have money to do it" kind of things). For this fall, conferences mean traveling to Dallas several times, which really isn't a big deal. However, this spring includes New Orleans and Philadelphia (much cooler for the Texan!). Therefore, I am starting my research for exploring now and budgeting so I can really enjoy the trips and not feel guilty. Sidenote: I have made a deal with myself that when I travel to cool places for conferences, I go a day early and spend that day exploring the city I am in. What's the point in going cool places if you don't get to really see them?
6. Try Yoga. My job is stressful, and I have the really bad habit of getting overly frustrated. I just can't relax and people tend to get on my nerves. I try stress-relieving activities, but my frustrations usually just result in my not sleeping well. I think yoga could be a solution. Can't hurt to give it a try, right?
7. Organize the closets and cabinets. One of my favorite parts of summer is the time to do summer organizing/cleaning. Gosh, I love to clean - it stems from my control freak tendencies. Who can blame you for taking your controlling nature out on an unsuspecting closet? This summer, all the closets and all the cabinets in my house are getting an overhaul!
8. Just "be". I grew up in the country where there is peace and quiet and life moves a little slower. A typical weekend consists of waking up early to mow and do the yard work before it gets to hot then moving inside to clean the house. Afternoons are spent on the four-wheelers, by the pool, or fishing. Nighttime is for grilling with family, watching movies, baking sweet treats, or just enjoying time. I miss moving slowly. I miss just being allowed to "be", to exist. I want to take more time for this during my summer.
It may not be overly exciting but with all the busyness of graduate school this summer, I am more than looking forward to crossing every item off of this to-do list. What's on your summer to-do list?