A new year is beginning.
Every year, I like to give the year a clever name...2012 was "The Year of Travels", 2013 was "The Year of Changes". Well, ironically, both of those names would fit 2014 perfectly as I will be traveling more than any other year of my life and going through more changes than any year. I think I will reserve all my commentary on big life changes for 2015, though, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I have decided that the most appropriate name for 2014 is "The Year of the Dissertation".
I will actually complete writing my dissertation in early Spring of 2015, but all of the leg-work, data collection, and a major portion of the writing will take place in 2014. The timeline for this beast is as follows: Spring 2014 - run pilot study and write preliminary results, and Fall 2014 - run actual data and write as much as possible. :) I also get to begin the job search process in the fall. Most likely, the main topic of conversation for the year will be surrounding my dissertation and its state of completion.
As with any new year, I am making several resolutions for the year. I love making resolutions because I love setting goals. Having things to strive for in the year make me happy, and I love self-improvement. I feel that there is always something that I can work on and improve. Below I have listed some of my vague but very real goals for the new year.
Pray more, especially when I'm frustrated.
Graduate school is stressful, and I have a really bad habit of getting frustrated with people. In 2014, I want to pray more, especially when I am frustrated with someone. My hope is that by turning my frustrations to God they will not be so heavy on my heart, and I will build more tolerance for those around me.
Get a life, Ph.D.!
This is the name of a blog I follow, but it applies to me as well. For many years, I have been completely consumed by this degree. To the point where I have neglected family, friends, hobbies, and romantic relationships. I would like to work on remedying this (as I head into the busiest of all years in grad school). I want to make more time to see the people I love, indulge in the hobbies I enjoy, and maybe even give romance a shot.
Exercise more.
I'm really good at making and keeping New Years' Resolutions. I almost always see them through to completion. That being said, there is one exception - working out. I don't enjoy working out. I like the results of working out and the feeling I get after, but the actual process is far from enjoyable for me. In 2014, I really do want to create and stick to a workout routine. It'd be nice to get into better shape.
Besides these three vague but all too real resolutions, I want to continue working toward my life goals while upholding my morals, values, and ethics. 2014 is going to be a fantastic year! :)
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