Monday, September 30, 2013

Welcome to Fall, Y'all!

Wow. I know my last blog post was random and all about how busy Fall has been so far, but man oh man. Life is busy right now!

This past week almost almost did me in. It was jam-packed and to be honest, a bit bizarre. I am learning how to be a counselor this semester (not really, but it seems like it), and I don't know that I am doing the best job at it. This has led me to some reflection and deep meditation to figure out: 1. what about my personality draws people to tell me uncomfortable things, and 2. what do I do with that information to best help the person.

What made this week so cray-cray you ask? 

1. It's high stress time for the graduate students. Moody, stressed-out graduate students are the worst. End. of. story.
2. It's high stress time for the undergraduate students. Moody, stressed-out undergraduate students are almost as bad as graduate students. 
3. My dryer vent broke.
4. My refrigerator keeps leaking. 
5. I broke my favorite cake podium. :(

This weekend, I also happened to catch the cold that was going around the university. It knocked me flat on my bottom for two days. Oh well, I got lots of sleep. good news for the weekend, I fixed the broken dryer vent all by myself! (Well, Jack helped a little. Supervised really).

That's modern domesticity at its finest!

And...this happened for the rest of the weekend...

And this...

It's going to be a long Fall, Y'all.

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