Tuesday, January 5, 2010

History in the making...

This is my life right now. I am making history...the history that I will look back on one day and enjoy smiling about. :)

I am a very lucky girl and have everything I could ask for in my life. For the first time I can remember, I want for nothing. All my needs are met and I am surrounded by the most amazing people. You can say I am truly blessed.

So, what's keeping me so happy? Simply put, everything. In a more complex way, the following...

I began my student teaching at Consol on Tuesday, and it has started out amazingly. I have been given a wonderful mentor teacher, a really experienced and honest supervisor and was put into a great department of fabulously fun people. Oh, and the kiddos so far are awesome...well, except 6th period, but really...yes, even 6th period. I really feel like I am part of the department (fingers crossed) and am learning so much in a quick period of time. It's surprising to realize the things that only experience can teach. I've only been student teaching for 4 days, so I don't have many stories to report, but here are a few fun ones from my first week.

On my first day, I was mistaken for a student (not surprising...I mean, I look like the kids). However, I was also mistaken for a mother. Again, not that surprising. How about this, a mother of a freshman. Ok, definitely surprising.

I was introduced to the class, then a kid comes up to and says, "Are you so-and-so's mother?" "No," I reply. Then, my mentor teacher says, "Who is that?" "A freshman," replies the kid. I just stared and him and I'm really not sure what I said, but my look said it all. He went back to his seat and I looked at my mentor teacher and said, "Please tell me I don't look like the mother of a 14-year-old." We both laughed. :)

The kiddos are crazy, hillarious and absolutely precious in my eyes. Stay tuned for more fun and more stories. :)


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