Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome to the "real world"

As a recent college graduate, I have always heard about what the "real world" would be like. The "real world" represented this illusive vision of what life would be like when I had a job, bills to pay, possibly a family...basically, responsibility without the luxury of blaming all of my stress on school and a lack of money, food and sleep. This "real world" always sounded like a great place to me, someplace where people took responsibility and everything fell into place according to a direct plan. Well, I'm here to say that is the farthest thing from what the "real world" is really like.

In May, I got offered a fantastic job. I was so fortunate and lucky to get a job early in the year. That meant that I would get to spend my entire summer "playing" and not worrying about getting a job before August. While I didn't know what level I would be teaching, I was still excited. In July, I found out I would be teaching 8th grade (the grade I secretly wanted the most!). I spent the next month planning to be an 8th grade teacher. Then, in early August the coveted "room assignment and master schedule" list was released. I was so thrilled to see my name with a room next to it! Yay, for not being a floater and for getting my own space. Then, I went to the 8th grade tab to see my schedule. I wasn't there! So, I looked at the 7th grade listing, and there was my name. 3 weeks before school starts, I'm now placed in a new grade, with the possibility that it might change again before August 23rd arrives. While I am still over-the-moon excited to be teaching, and know I will love 7th grade, I am learning to be flexible. The "real world" follows anything but a well-laid-out plan. The "real world" is more messy and unorganized than college could ever dream of being. However, so far, I'm really loving it out here!


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