Saturday, May 19, 2012

6 years later, what have I learned?

Well, I have just finished up my 6th year (can you believe it??) of college. I have learned more in the last six years than I could ever describe in one blog posting. I have acquired a great deal of academic knowledge that will serve me in my future endeavors. I'm well under-way on my final degree at A&M and my second Master's. I can, without a doubt, admit that I have been blessed with opportunity and have done well.

Here are the things in my "other education" that I have learned along the way:

1. When going out with friends, beer costs roughly $2 while a Jack and Coke (my favorite drink) is about $6-$8. This is easy math. If you want to save money, learn to like beer. I have. (Mom, this one was for you. Proud?)

2. Crockpots are God's gift to the world. Throw anything you have in it (some kind of raw or frozen meat, veggies, seasonings and broth). Anything will turn out amazingly, can cook all day while you are gone and left-overs are delicious. (Again, it saves money to cook this way versus going out all the time.)

3. I will get more reading and writing done in my bed with my iTunes blaring than anywhere else in the world. I don't know why...and yes, I know psychology says don't do this, but it works!

4. I miss being home in the country, walking around the land, riding the tractor with my grandfather, fishing, riding the four-wheeler, shooting guns, smelling the roses with my grandmother. I never thought I'd miss where I grew up, but sometimes I do.

5. Friends last forever. The people that I grew up with and worked years developing relationships with are still present in my life and still close to my heart. I have added friends along the way that will be forever friends as well. Let's just say, my future children will have many "aunts" and god-parents. :)

6. Romantic relationships will get more complicated and harder to come by. In high school, relationships were easy. Games weren't played and it was easy to get along with someone. In college, all people wanted to do was play games. In adulthood, dating takes up too much time. It's a rough hobby to pursue.

7. Live every day as if it is a celebration of life. 

8. When all else fails, you feel overwhelmed or just need some inspiration - turn to prayer. God will pull you through, maybe not in the way you want, but in the way that is best. He has a plan bigger than you.

Let's see what I learn in the next 3 years...


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