Well, on more than one occasion, I have spoken without thinking. Today, was no different, or less embarrassing. For someone who is getting a PhD, you'd think I'd have more common sense.
One of my most embarrassing moments to date, and a perfect example of not thinking before I speak, happened earlier this year in one of my master's classes. For this particular class, the students had to each research a topic of their choosing and create a PowerPoint presentation of their findings. They were then grilled by the class and professor on their research. Now, I adore this professor and happened to pick a topic of study that he was well-versed in. I primarily chose this topic because I thought it was kind of silly and a pointless topic in studying education (spelling, seriously? who needs it). I wanted to rock the boat a little. :) Now, I'm a huge advocate of the topic and am even considering doctoral research on the topic. Anyway, while I adore this professor, he is a bit slow to get through a PowerPoint. His presentations were usually no less than 80 slides (which can't be done in 3 hours) and very dense (I'm sure all my PhD friends no exactly who this is!) On this particular day, we were beginning our own presentations and he got to sit back and listen to us. After the first person presented, the class clapped to show their appreciation to the peer-speaker. The professor then remarked, "How come you never clap when I finish a presentation?" Without thinking, I look him in the eye and announce, "Well, Dr. *, you never finish a presentation." Ouch. The entire class responded to my inappropriate response, the professor gave me a hard time, and believe me, he grilled me after my presentation. (Note to self, "think before you speak".)
Now, today, I got to make a fool of myself once again. This week I have Pre-AP training with some of my colleagues and teachers from other schools. I decided to be a bit of a smart-ass, and got onto some of my co-workers for not listening and paying attention to the speaker. "Now, if you were listening, you would know the directions," I said to them in a mocking teacher voice (if only I'd known then that karma is a, well, you get the picture). Anyway, the speaker then passed out cards to us that had a word on them. Everyone got a different word. I looked down at mine, which said "fortress". Now, I wasn't entirely paying attention to the speaker, and kind of zoned out momentarily. Mistake. She then begins reading cards, just like the ones she passed out, aloud to the group. Since this was a lesson on diction (word choice), I assumed if our word carried the same meaning as the one she said, we were supposed to shout it out. (Her directions had clearly said to do this, and I think she promised candy as a reward...or at least that is what my brain told me in that moment.) She reads the first word, no one says anything and she puts the card down. I should have been tipped off by everyone else's silence but assumed the rest of the group was too timid to shout out at the speaker. The next word she read was "dwelling". Quickly, my brain thinks "Dwelling..ok, that is kind of like a fortress. I mean people could live in a fortress. They are both buildings. YELL!" So, I scream, "FORTRESS" and wave my card in the air. Imagine my shock when I did not receive praise, or candy, but instead, everyone turns to me and LAUGHS! Clearly, I did not think before I spoke (yelled) and clearly, I was mistaken on what was going on. My co-worker then looks at me and says, "Now, if you were paying attention, you would have heard the directions," in a mocking teacher voice.
I'd like to say that I've learned my lesson and will think before I speak, but everyone who knows me knows this is an impossible feat. Karma's a bitch, but hopefully you got a good laugh. :)
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