Saturday, March 12, 2011

Inspiration in a Pessimistic World

Today, I got the opportunity to watch some good, quality television. I feel like I have to add the "good, quality" comment because honestly, I find much of what I watch on television to be uninspiring and cynical. Let me begin...

My favorite show, up until this semester, has been Glee. I first fell in love with it when the pilot episode included a stunning performance of my all time favorite song "Don't Stop Believin'". The finale of that season included a Journey medley that had my heart dancing. I fell in love with some great characters and good, wholesome comedy with a few crude comments in between. It seemed that Glee was made just for me and someone had somehow tapped into my brain to combine all things Tracey into one show. Now, I did say it was my favorite up until this semester. This semester, I feel like they have completely redefined and changed many of the characters. Additionally, the plot has begun introducing some heavy topic, in not so quite a classy way. Glee was good at dealing with tough issues before and in a tasteful manner, but now, they've fallen off the boat. I have begun wondering if the show hired new writers who hadn't watched the show before. A few weeks ago the show was all about drinking and the characters spent most of the show being drunk. This past week, the show was all about sex, of every kind, and the characters spent the majority of the show being obsessed with sex.

These new developments on a show that I truly enjoyed have left me saddened at the future of television. It's hard to find decent shows on TV that aren't plagued by drugs, sex, violence, etc. These topics permeate Primetime television. In addition, the news is not exactly known for it's optimism of the world. Many news broadcasts show the same kinds of things further adding to the pessimism of modern society.

However, today, I finally had time to watch shows I've recorded on my DVR and was pleasantly surprised, touched and emotionally moved by a show I randomly decided to record: The Secret Millionaire. Never have I been so touched by reality TV. I spent most of the show crying my eyes out, laughing and praising God for bringing this into my home. See, I am passionate about giving back to the community and have spent many years of my life participating in community service and watching how it helps people in need. I am surrounded on a daily basis by people living in poverty who deserve to have community members supporting and helping them. This is the reason this show hit home so hard for me. This show documents a millionaire who lives for one week in a poverty-ridden area while trying to discover what kinds of people are doing good in the community. At the end of that show, the millionaire gives deserving people and organizations money to help further their causes. On this particular episode, the millionaire gave money to a music organization that gives free music lessons to children, a soup kitchen that serves over 2000 meals a week, an organization that remodels bedrooms for terminally ill children and a family with a five-year-old daughter suffering from leukemia. I was so touched by the show and absolutely loved seeing Primetime TV show positive, good things that are happening in our world.

Today, I have been reminded of how potent God is in society. Despite the pessimism and suffering that happen in our world and are most often the focus of our lives, God is among us and is doing great things. I praise Him for that reminder. As always, when I am in doubt, He delivers my answers. I'm truly blessed to be able to have the luxury and privilege of discovering this truth daily. :)

God has proven to give me answers to questions in many other ways this week by bringing new friendships, opportunities and examples of His grace and mercy to the forefront of my mind. Why He spends so much time and effort on me is incomprehensible to me, but I am forever thankful and will live to glorify Him.

Philippians 4:6-7


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